[_double rule_] A RIBALD I²S the Devil’s Hypocrite, the endeavours to make himſelf appear worſe than he is. His evil Words and bad Manners ſtrive which ſhall moſt corrupt one another, and it is hard to ſay which has the Advantage. He vents his Lechery at the Mouth, as ſome Fiſhes are ſaid to engender. He is an unclean Beaſt that chews the Cud ; for after he has ſatisfied his Lust, he brings it up again into his Mouth to a ſecond Enjoyment, and plays an After- game of Letchery with his Tongue much worſe than that which the _Cunnilingi_ uſed among the old _Romans._ He ſtrips Nature ſtark-naked, and clothes her in the moſt fantaſtic and ridiculous Faſhion a wild Imagination can invent. He is worſe and more naſty than a Dog ; for in his broad Deſcriptions of others obſcene Actions he does but lick up the Vomit of ano- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ther Man’s Surfeits. He tells Tales out of a vaulting School. A leud baudy Tale does more Hurt, and gives a worſe Example than the Thing of which it was told ; for the Act extends but to a few, and if it be concealed goes no further ; but the Report of it is un- limited, and may be conveyed to all People, and all Times to come. He expoſes that with his Tongue, which Nature gave Women Mo- deſty, and brute Beaſts Tails to cover. He miſtakes Ribaldry for Wit, though nothing is more unlike, and believes himſelf to be the finer Man the filthier he talks ; as if he were above Civility, as _Fanatics_ are above Ordinan- ces, and held nothing more ſhameful than to be aſhamed of any Thing. He talks nothing but _Aretine_’s Pictures, as plain as the _Scotch_ Dia- lect, which is eſteemed to be the moſt copious and elegant of the Kind. He improves and huſbands his Sins to the beſt Advantage, and makes one Vice find Employment for another ; for what he acts looſely in private, he talks as looſely of in public, and finds as much Pleaſure in the one as the other. He endeavours to make himſelf Satisfaction for the Pangs his Claps and Botches put him to with ------------------------------------------------------------------------ vapouring and bragging how he came by them. He endeavours to purchaſe himſelf a Reputation by pretending to that which the beſt Men abominate, and the worſt value not, like one that clips and waſhes falſe Coin, and ventures his Neck for that which will yield him nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------