[_double rule_] A LOVER I²S a Kind of _Goth_ and _Vandal_, that leaves his native Self to ſettle in another, or a Planter that forſakes his Country, where he was born, to labour and dig in _Virginia_. His Heart is catched in a Net with a Pair of bringht ſhining Eyes, as Larks are with Pieces of a looking-Glaſs. He makes heavy Com_ plaints againſt it for deſerting of him, and deſires to have another in Exchange for it, which is a very unreaſonable Requeſt ; for if it betrayed its boſom Friend, what will it do to a Stranger, that ſhould give it Truſt and Entertainment ? He binds himſelf, and cries out he is robbed of his Heart, and charges the Innocent with it, only to get a good Com- poſition, or another for it, againſt Con- ſcience and Honeſty. He talks much of his ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flame, and pretends to be burnt by his Miſ- treſs’s Eyes, for which he requires Satisfaction from her, like one that ſets his Houſe on Fire to get a Brief for charitable Contributions. He makes his Miſtreſs all of Stars, and when ſhe is unkind, rails at them, as if they did ill Offices between them, and being of her Kin ſet her againſt him. He falls in Love as Men fall ſick when their Bodies are inclined to it, and imputes that to his Miſtreſſes Charms, which is really in his own Temper ; for when that is altered, the other vaniſhes of it ſelf, and therefore one ſaid not amiſs, ------The Lilly and the Roſe Not in her Cheeks, but in thy Temper grows. When his Deſires are grown up, they ſwarm, and fly out to ſeek a new Habitation, and whereſoever they light they fix like Bees, among which ſome late Philoſophers have obſerved that it is a Female that leads all the reſt. Love is but a Clap of the Mind, a Kind of run- ning of the Fancy, that breaks out, if it be not ſtopped in Time, into Botches of heroic Rime ; for all Loverrs are poets for the Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ being, and make their Ladies a Kind of mo- ſaic Work of ſeveral coloured Stones joined together by a ſtrong Fancy, but very ſtiff and unnatural ; and though they ſteal Stars from Heaven, as _Prometheus_ did Fire, to animate them, all will not make them alive, nor alives-liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------