[_two rules_] A / WOOER S²TANDS Candidate for Cuckold, and if he miſs of it, it is none of his Fault; for his Merit is ſuſſiciently known. He is com monly no Lover, but able to paſs for a moſt deſperate one, where he finds it is like to prove of conſiderable Advantage to him; and there- fore has Paſſions lying by him of all Sizes pro- portionable to all Women’s Fortunes, and can be indifferent, melancholy, or ſtark-mad, ac- cording as their Eſtates give him Occaſion; and when he finds it is to no Purpoſe, can preſently come to himſelf again, and try another. He  proſecutes his Suit againſt his Miſtreſs as Clients do a Suit in Law, and does nothing without the Advice of his learned Council, omits no Advantage for want of ſoliciting, and, when He gets her Conſent, overthrows her. He en- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ deavors to match his Eſtate, rather than him- ſelſ, to the beſt Advantage, and is his Miſ- treſs’s Fortune and his do but come to an Agreement, their Perſons are eaſily ſatisſied, the Match is ſoon made up, and a Croſs Marriage between all four is prefeſtly concluded. He is not much concerned in his Lady’s Virtues, for if the Opinion of the _Stoics_ be true, _that the vir-_ _tuous are always rich_, there is no doubt, but ſhe that is rich muſt be virtuous. He never goes without a Liſt in his Pocket of all the Widows and Virgins about the Town, with Particulars of their Jointures, Portions, and Inheritances, that if one miſs he may not be without a Re- ſerve; for he eſteems _Cupid_ very improvident, if he has not more than two Strings to his Bow. When he wants a better Introduction, he begins his Addreſſes to the Chamber-maid, like one that ſues the Tenant to eject the Land- lord, and according as he thrives there makes his Approaches to the Miſtreſs. He can tell readily what the Difference is between Join- Ture with Tution of Infant, Land and Money of any Value, and what the Odds is to a Penny between them all, either to take or leave. He does not ſo much go a wooing as put in his Claim, as if all Men of Fortune ------------------------------------------------------------------------ had a fair Title to all Women of the ſame Quality, and therefore are ſaid to demand them in Marriage. But if he be a Wooer of For- tune, that deſigns to raiſe himſelſ by it, he makes wooing his Vocation, deals with all Matchmakers, that are his Setters, is very painful in his Calling, and, if he Buſineſs ſucceed, ſteals her away and commits Matri- mony with a ſelonious Intent. He has a great deſire to beget Money on the Body of a Wo- man, and as for other Iſſue is very indifferent, and cares not how old ſhe be, ſo ſhe be not paſt Money-bearing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------