[_two rules_] A CORRUPT JUDGE P²ASSES Judgement as a Gameſter does falſe Dice. The firſt Thing he takes is his Oath and his Comiſſion, and afterwards the ſtrongeſt Side and Bribes. He gives Judg- ment, as the Council at the Bar are ſaid to give Advice, when they are paid for it. He wraps himſelf warm in Furs, that the cold Air may not ſtrike his Conſcience inward. He is never an upright Judge, but when he is weary of ſitting, and ſtands for his Eaſe. All the Uſe he make of his Oath is to oppoſe it againſt his Prince, for whoſe Service he firſt took it, and to bind him with that, which he firſt pre- tended to bind himſelf with; as if the King by imparting a little of his Power to him gave hi to Title to all the reſt, like thoſe who hold- ing a little Land in _Capite_ render all the reſt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ liable to the ſame Tenure. As for that which concerns the People, he takes his Liberty to do what he pleaſes ; this he maintains with Cant- ing, of which himſelf being the only Judge, he can give it what arbitrary Interpretation he pleaſes ; yet is a great Enemy to arbitrary Power, becauſe he would have no Body uſe it but himſelf. If he have Hope of Preferment he makes all the Law run on the King's Side ; if not, it always takes part againſt him ; for as he was bred to make any Thing right or wrong between Man and Man, ſo he can do between the King and his Subjects. He calls himſelf _Capitalis, &c._ which Word he never uſes but to Crimes of the higeſt Nature. He uſurps unſufferable Tyranny over Words ; for when he has enſlaved and debaſed them from their original Senſe, he makes them ſerves againſt themselves to ſupport him, and their own Abuſe. He is as ſtiff to Delinquents, and makes as harſh a Noiſe as a new Cart-wheel, until he is greaſed, and then he turns about as eaſily. He called all necceſſary and unavoidable Proceedings of State, without the punctual Formality of Law, arbitrary and illegal, but never conſiders, that his own Interpretation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ of Law are more arbitrary, and, when he pleaſes, illegal. He cannot be denied to be a very impartial Judge ; for right or wrong are all one to him. He takes Bribes, as pious Men give Alms, with ſo much Caution, that his right Hand never knows what his left re- ceives./ ------------------------------------------------------------------------