[_two rules_] A RANTER I²s a _Fanatic_ Hector, that has found out by a very ſtrange Way of new Light, how to transform all the _Devils_ into _Angels of Light_ ; for he believes all Religion conſiſts in Looſeneſs, and that Sin and Vice is _the whole Duty of Man_. He puts off the _old Man_, but puts it on again upon the _new one,_ and makes his _Pagan_ Vices ſerve to preſerve his _Chriſtian_ Virtues from wearing out ; for if he ſhould uſe his Piety and Devotion al- ways it would hold out but a little while. He is loth that Iniquity and Vice ſhould be thrown away, as long as there may be good Uſe of it ; for if that, which is wickedly gotten, may be diſposed to pious Uſes, why ſhould not Wickedneſs itſelf as well? He believes himſelf Shot-free againſt all the Attempts of the _Devil,_ the _World,_ and the _Flesh,_ and therefore is not afraid to attack them in their own Quarters, and encounter them at their own Weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For as ſtrong Bodies may freely venture to do, and ſuffer that, without any Hurt to them- ſelves, which would deſtroy thoſe that are feeble: So a Saint, that is ſtrong in Grace, may boldly engage himſelf in thoſe great Sins and Iniquities, that would eaſily damn a weak Brother, and yet come off never the worſe. He believes Deeds of Darkneſs to be only thoſe Sins that are committed in private, not thoſe that are acted openly and owned. He is but an _Hypocrite_ turned the wrong Side outward ; for, as the one wears his Vices within, and the other without, ſo when they are counter- changed the _Ranter_ becomes an _Hypocrite,_ and the _Hypocrite_ an able _Ranter._ His Church is the _Devil's_ Chappel ; for it agrees exactly both in Doctorine and Diſicipline with the beſt reform- ed Baudy-Houſes. He is a Monſter produced by the Madneſs of this latter Age ; but if it had been his Fate to have been whelped in old _Rome_ he had paſt for a Prodigy, and been re- ceived among raining of Stones and the ſpeak- ing of Bulls, and would have put a ſtop to all public Affairs, until he had been expiated. _Nero_ cloathed _Chriſtians_ in the Skins of wild Beaſts ; but he wraps wild Beaſts in the Skins of _Chriſtians_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------