CENTER [144] DOUBLE RULE CENTER A CENTER TRAVELLER [I]s a Native of all Countries, and an Alien at [I]Home. He flies from the Place where he was hatched, like a Wildgoos_e, and prefers all others before it. He has no Quarrel to it, but becaus_e he was born in it, and like a Bas_tard, he is as_hamed of his Mother, becaus_e s_he is of him. He is a Merchant, that makes Voyages into foreign Nations, to drive a Trade in Wis_- dom and Politics, and it is not for his Credit to have it thought, he has made an ill Return, which mus_t be, if he s_hould allow of any of the Growth of his own Country. This makes him quick and blow up hims_elf with Admira- tion of foreign Parts, and a generous Con- tempt of Home, that all Men may admire, at leas_t, the means he has had of Improvement, and deplore their own Defects_. His Obs_erva- tions are like a Sieve, that lets the finer Flour pas_s, and retains only the Bran of Things; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CENTER A TRAVELLER. #JUSTIFY LEFT 145 FOR HIS WHOLE RETURN OF WIS_DOM PROVES TO BE BUT AFFECTATION, A PERIS_HABLE COMMODITY, WHICH HE WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PUT OFF. HE BELIEVES ALL MEN'S WITS ARE AT A S_TAND, THAT S_TAY AT HOME, AND ONLY THOS_E ADVANCED, THAT TRAVEL ; AS IF CHANGE OF PAS_TURE DID MAKE GREAT POLITI- CIANS, AS WELL AS FAT CALVES. HE PITIES THE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH WHICH THOS_E HAVE, THAT HAVE NOT S_EEN THE WORLD ABROAD, FORGETTING, THAT AT THE S_AME TIME HE TELLS US, HOW LITTLE CREDIT IS TO BE GIVEN TO HIS OWN RELATIONS AND THOS_E OF OTHERS, THAT S_PEAK AND WRITE OF THEIR TRAVELS. HE HAS WORN HIS OWN LANGUAGE TO RAGS, AND PATCHED IT UP WITH SCRAPS AND ENDS OF FOREIGN--THIS S_ERVES HIM FOR WIT, AND THEY AP- PLAUD ONE ANOTHER ACCORDINGLY. HE BELIEVES THIS RAGGEDNES_S OF HIS DIS_COURS_E A GREAT DEMON- S_TRATION OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF HIS KNOWLEDGE ; AS (I) INNS-OF-COURT (I) MEN INTIMATE THEIR PROFICIENCY IN THE LAW BY THE TATTERS OF THEIR GOWNS- ALL THE WIT HE BROUGHT HOME WITH HIM IS LIKE FOREIGN COIN, OF A BAS_ER ALLOY THAN OUR OWN, AND S_O WILL NOT PAS_S HERE WITHOUT GREAT LOS_S. ALL NOBLE CREATURES, THAT ARE FAMOUS IN ANY VOL. II #CENTER L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 146 A TRAVELLER. one Country, degenerate by being trans_planted; and thos_e of mean Value only improve--If it hold with Men, he falls among the Number of the latter, and his Improvements are little to his Credit. All he can s_ay for hims_elf is, his Mind was s_ick of a Cons_umption, and change of Air has cured him : For all his other Improvements have only been to eat in . . . . and talk with thos_e he did not unders_tand; to hold Intelligence with all Gazettes, and from the Sight of States_men in the Street unriddle the Intrigues of all their Councils, to make a wondrous Progres_s into Knowledge by riding with a Mes_s_enger, and advance In Politics by mounting of a Mule, run through all Sorts of Learning in a Waggon, and found all Depths of Arts in Felucca, ride pos_t into the Secrets of all States, and grow acquainted with their clos_e Des_igns in Inns and Hos_tleries; for cer- tainly there is great Virtue in Highways and Hedges to make an able Man, and a good Pros_pect cannot but let him s_ee far into Things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------