[_two rules_] PREFACE. _T²HE writing of Characters was a Kind of Wit_ _much in Faſhion in the Beginning of the laſt_ _Century. The two principal Authors in this Way_ _were Sir_ Thomas Overbury, _and Dr._ John Earle _Tutor to Prince_ Charles _in_ 1643, _and after_ _the Reſtoration Dean of_ Weſtminſter, _and ſuc-_ _ceſſively Biſhop of_ Worceſter _and_ Saliſbury. _How_ _agreeable theſe Sorts of Eſſays were to the public_ _Taſte may be judged from Sir_ Thomas’s _little Book_ _having fourteen Editions before_ 1632, _and the_ _Biſhop’s ſix between_ 1628 _and_ 1633. _Whether_ Butler _has equalled or excelled them, and what_ _Place he is to hold in this Claſs of Writers muſt_ _be left to the Deciſion of the Public, as the Inte-_ _reſt and Prejudice of a Publiſher may render me_ _a ſuſpected or an incompetent Judge. The Reader_ _will have an Opportunity of determining for him-_ _ſelf, as they have all attempted to draw the ſame_ _Pictures._ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _As in ſuch a Variety of Characters there muſt_ _be ſome drawn from Originals in general the ſame,_ _and only differenced by particular Circumſtances,_ _the ſame Obſervations are ſometimes repeated._ _Whether the Author in this Caſe requires any Apo-_ _logy muſt be left to his Judges the Critics ; it is_ _enough for me that I can ſay I have done him_ _Justice in publiſhing them._ _As moſt of theſe Characters are dated when they_ _were compoſed, I can inform the curious, that they_ _were chiefly drawn up from_ 1667 _to_ 1669, _at_ _which time, as has been before obſerved,_ Butler _reſided in_ Wales _under the Protection of Lord_ Carbery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------