[two rules]/ / #AN/ #AMORIST/ / I2s an Artificer, or Maker of Love, a ſworn/ Servant to all Ladies, like an Officer in a/ Corporation. Though no one in particular/ will own any Title to him, yet he never fails,/ upon all Occaſions, to offer his Services, and/ they as ſeldom to turn it back again untouched./ He commits nothing with them, but himſelf to/ their good Graces ; and they recommend him/ back again to his own, where he finds ſo kind/ a Reception, that he wonders how he does/ fail of it every where elſe. His Paſſion is as/ eaſily ſet on Fire as a Fart, and as ſoon out/ again. He is charged and primed with Love-/ Powder like a Gun, and the leaſt Sparkle of an/ Eye gives Fire to him, and off he goes, but/ ſeldom, or never, hits the Mark. He has com-/ mon Places and Precedents of Repartees and/ Letters for all Occaſions ; and falls as readily/ into his Method of making love, as a Parſon/

does into his Form of Matrimony. He con- verſes, as Angels are ſaid to do, by Intuition, and expreſſes himſelf by Sighs moſt ſignificant- ly. He follows his Viſits, as Men do their Buſineſs, and is very induſtrious in waiting on the Ladies, where his Affairs lie ; among which thoſe of greateſt Concernment are Queſtions and Commands, Purpoſes, and other ſuch received Forms of With and Converſation ; in which he is ſo deeply ſtudied, that in all Queſtions and Doubts that ariſe, he is appealed to, and very learnedly declares, which was the moſt true and primitive Way of proceeding in the pureſt Times. For theſe Virtues he never fails of his Summons to all Balls, where he manages the Country-Dances with ſingular Judgment, and is frequently an Aſſiſtant at L'hombre; and theſe are all the Uſes they make of his Parts, beſide the Sport they give themſelves in laughing at him, which he takes for ſingular Favours, and interprets to his own Advantage, though it never goes further; for all his Employments being public, he is never admitted to any pri- vate Services, and they deſpiſe him as not Wo- man's Meat: For he applies to too many to be truſted by any one; as Baſtards by having many Fathers, have none at all. He goes often

mounted in a Coach as a Convoy, to guard the
Ladies, to take the Duſt in Hyde-Park; where
by his prudent Management of the Glaſs Win-
dows he ſecures them from Beggars, and re-
turns fraught with China-Oranges and Ballads.
Thus he is but a Gentleman-Uſher General,
and his Buſineſs is to carry one Lady's Services
to another, and bring back the others in Ex-