Center [ 141 ]

Double rule

Center A

[I]s one that takes the same Course, that the
IDevil (i) did in Paradise, he begins with the
Woman. He Des
pises all other (i)Fanatics (i) as Up-
tarts, and values himself upon his Antiquity.
He is a Man-Midwife to the Soul, and is all
his Life-time in this World deluding it to the
next. (i) Christ (i) made St. (i) Peter (i) a Fis
her of Men ;
but he believe it better to be a Fisher of Wo-
men, and s
o becomes a Woman's Apostle.
His Profes
sion is to disguise himself, which he
does in Sheeps-Cloathing, that is, a Lay Habit ;
but whether, as a Wolf, a Thief or a Shep-
herd, is a great Question ; only this is certain,
that he had rather have one Sheep out of ano-
ther Man's Fold, that two out of his own.
He gathers his Church as (i) Fantaics do, yet des
pises them for it, and keeps his Flock always in
Hurdles, to be removed at his Pleas
ure ; and
though their Souls be rotten or s*cabby with

142 #Center A POPISH PRIEST.
Hypocrisy, the Fleece is sure to be sound and
orthodox. He tars their Cons
ciences with
Confession and Penance, but always keeps the
Wool, that he pulls from the Sore, to himself.
He never makes a Pos
clyte, but he (i) converts (i)
him to his very Shirt, and (i) turns (i) his Pockets
into the Bargain ; for he does nothing unless
his Purs
e prove a good (i) Catholic. (i) He never gets
within a Family, but he gets on the Top of it,
and governs all down to the Bottom of the
Cellar--He will not tolerate the Scullion un-
less he be othrodox, nor allow of the turning
of the Spit, but (i) in ordine ad Spiritualia. (i) His
(i) Dominion is not founded in Grace, (i) but Sin ; for he
keeps his Subjects in perfect Awe by being
acquainted with their mos
t sacred Iniquities,
as (i) Juvenal (i) s
aid of the (i) Greeks. (i)

#indent (i) Scire volunt secreta domus, atque in de timeri. (i)

By this means he holds Intelligence with their
own Cons
ciences against themselves, and keeps
their very Thoughts in Slavery ; for Men com-
monly fear those that know any Evil of them,
and out of Shame give Way to them. He is
very cautious in venturing to attack any Man
by Way of Convers
ion, whose Weakness he is
not very well acquainted with ; and like the

Center A POPISH PRIEST. #Left 143
Fox, weighs his Goose, before he will venture
to carry him over a River. He fights with the
(i) Devil (i) at his own Weapons, and s
trives to get
ground on him with Frauds and Lies--These
he convers to pious Us
es. He makes his
Prayers (the proper Business of the Mind) a
Kind of Manufacture, and vents them by Tale,
rather than Weight ; and, while he is busied
in numbering them, forgets their Sens
e and
Meaning. He sets them up as Men do their
Games at (i) Picquet, (i) for fear he s
hould be mis-
reckoned; but never minds whether he plays
fair or not. He s
ells Indulgences, like (i) Lockier's (i)
Pills, with Directions how they are to be taken.
He is but a Copyholder of the (i) Catholic (i) Church,
that claims by Custom. He believes the (i) Pope's (i)
Chain is fas
tened to the Gates of Heaven, like
King (i) Harry's (i) in the Privy-Gallery./