[two rules]


R2IDES behind his Wife, and lets her
wear the Spurs and governs the Reins. He
is a Kind of prepoſterous Animal, that being
curbed in goes with his Tail forwards. He is
but ſubordinate and miniſterial to his Wife,
who commands in chief, and he dares do no-
thing without her Order. She takes Place of him,
and he creeps in at the Bed’s Feet, as if he had
married the Grand Seignor’s Daughter, and is
under Correction of her Pantofle. He is his
Wife’s Villain, and has nothing of his own
further than ſhe pleaſes to allow him. When
he was married he promiſed to worſhip his
Wife with his Soul inſtead of his Body, and
endowed her among his worldly Goods with his
Humanity. He changed Sexes with his Wife,
and put off the old Man to put on the new
Woman. She ſits as the Helm, and he does
but tug like a Slave at the Oar. The little

<<<<<<< HEAD

Wit he has being held in capite has rendered all/ the reſt of his Concerments liable to Pupi-/ lage and Wardſhip, and his Wife has the/ Tuition of his during his or her Life; and/ he has no Power to do any Thing of himſelf,/ but by his Guardian. His Wife manages him/ and his Eſtate with equal Authority, and he/ lives under her aribtrary Government and Com-/ mand as his ſuperior Officer. He is but a kind/ of Meſſuage and Tenement in the Occupation/ of his Wife. He and ſhe make up a Kind of/ Hermaphrodite, a Monſter, or which the one/ half is more than the whole; for he is the/ weaker Veſſel, and but his Wife's Helper. His/ Wife eſpouſed and took him to Huſband for/ better or worſe, and the laſt Word ſtands./ He was meant to be his Wife's Head, but being/ ſet on at the wrong End ſhe makes him ſerve/ (like the Jeſuits Devil) for her Feet. He is her/ Province, an Acquiſition that ſhe took in,/ and gives Laws to at Indiſcretion; for being/ overmatched and too feeble for the Encounter,/ he was forced to ſubmit and take Quarter./ He has inverted the Curſe, and turned it upon/ himſelf; for his Deſire is towards his Wife,/ and ſhe reign over him and with Eſau has/ ſold his Birthright for a Meſs of Matrimony./ ======= Wit he has being held in capite has rendered all
the reſt of his Concerments liable to Pupi-
lage and Wardſhip, and his Wife has the
Tuition of his during his or her Life ; and
he has no Power to do any Thing of himſelf,
but by his Guardian. His Wife manages him
and his Eſtate with equal Authority, and he
lives unde rher aribtrary Government and Com-
mand as his ſuperior Office. He is but a kind
of Meſſuage and Tenement in the Occupation
of his Wife. He and ſhe make up a Kind of
Hermaphrodite, a Monſter, or which the one
half is more than the whole ; for he is the
weaker Veſſel, and but his Wife's Helper. His
Wife eſpouſed and took him to Huſband for
better or worſe, and the laſt Word ſtands.
He was meant to be his Wife's Head, but being
ſet on at the wrong End ſhe makes him ſerve
(like the Jeſuits Devil) for her Feet. He is her
Province, an Acquiſition that ſhe took in,
and gives Laws to at Indiſcretion ; for being
overmatched and too feeble for the Encounter,
he was forced to ſubmit and take Quarter.
He has inverted the Curſe, and turned it upon
himſelf ; for his Deſire is towards his Wife,
and ſhe reign over him, and with Eſau has
ſold his Birthright for a Meſs of Matrimony.
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His Wife took his Liberty among his worldly
Goods, to have and to hold till Death them
do part. He is but Groom of his Wife’s
Chamber, and her menial Huſband, that is
always in waiting, and a Slave only in the Right
of his Wife.